We closed our stay in Florence with a stop in Pisa Central, had great pizza and took a glimpse at the Leaning Tower. The town in Pisa I didn’t find particularly attractive but the main square housing the Tower and an old line of stores and restaurants is pretty, if not typically touristy and very busy. With the spare four hours we had to kill at the airport I was left with the stark realisation that I had very possibly gained an extra inch on the belly but with each meal consisting of lots of pastries, pasta, pizza and beer of which I strangely consumed large quantities, it was hardly unavoidable. It seems the Italians aren’t shy of carbohydrates, a new concept for me altogether! I also got to spend my time admiring beautiful Italian luggage, I have a fascination with gorgeous travel bags and this was the perfect place to bag watch, lots of Prada, Gucci, Chanel and vintage leather.