Sunday, September 3
FLORENCE ~ August 06
We just spent a wonderful long weekend in Florence wandering along cobbled streets and stopping in occasionally to admire worn frescoes, sculptures and the obvious shop windows packed with leather, shoes, jewellery and glass. This perfectly formed vintage city is packed with beautiful old buildings scattered around every other corner. The architecture is pure Italian, I love the original styled window shutters and the topiaries dotted around rustic hillsides and villas just like the paintings on olive oil canisters. Even the street lamps have the most ornate decoration with clawed feet and berried vines of iron.
Besides the obvious beauty of the place there is however the slight risk of a little rendezvous with the occasional thief. After lunch one of the days, we were sitting at an outdoor cafe table when one of the street beggars came right up to us and nicked Tregue's wallet straight off the table in front of us. Needless to say he went straight after her and got it back - what a Prince. Lesson for all Italian criminals - do not be messing with the Mr Minnaar!